Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An escape in Corsica

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Dear readers, I wish I could give a reasonable excuse for having neglected posting on my blog for the past three months. Something exciting, like I decided to flee life in London for an unplugged, sunnier beachside existence in Corsica at this lovely place, Tours de Tevola in Castaggniccia Carcheto!

Of course, the excuses are much more mundane and everyday. But being a new, sunnier season, I'd like the blog to come to life again. It's the cloud cover lifting perhaps, and inspiration slowly coming back, just the way spring happens.

To all of you who continue to check in on my blog, I'd like to say thank you, most sincerely.

Photography by Vincent Leroux for Marie Claire Maison.


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