Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekend Link Love {Valentine's Edition}

Friday, February 10, 2012

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Hello lovelies, and happy Valentine's weekend! I'm spending the weekend doing a stay-cation of sorts with Eric. We're hopping on the metro for a mini-getaway in nearby Old Town Alexandria, for some exploring, dining and a stay and spa visit at the Vicente Wolf designed Lorien Hotel.

I'm so excited for a little break from real life without the hassle of travel, BUT, if you're hanging around this weekend, I've got more than a few ideas for you.

First, think about tackling this clustered pom-pom DIY from Blue Eyed Yonder. So perfect for a Valentine's Day party, or even a touch of whimsy year-round.

Other great links:

  • It's not too late to send out some last-minute Valentines! I'm completely obsessed with the vintage feel of postage stamps from Mae Mae Paperie. Stamping envelopes with any of these instantly elevates even the most basic card. (here)
  • In other exciting stationery news, Tommy from Specs Appeal just launched his own Etsy shop featuring cards that perfectly capture his charming, yet simple style. Love. (here)
  • After a weekend away, I'm going to be looking forward to a low-key night in on Feb. 14. Cork Market and Gilt City are answering my prayers with special V-day carry-out deal: fried chicken and champagne for two for just $65. (here)
  • Presenting the world's most perfect Valentine's dress. File this under: Someday? (here)
  • One of my new year's resolutions is to learn something new every month. February's goal is to finally learn how to make macarons. This instructional video is hugely helpful, just be prepared to figure out the metric system! (here)
  • If you're around town on Saturday looking your best, you might just get snapped by Refinery 29's photographer. (Details here)


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