I’ve really been burning the midnight oil, as of late! Great things happening on the project front, as well as some exciting opportunities for writing, a ribbon-cutting for the community shelter is coming, and I’ve got a couple of speaking engagements lined up. (I’ll share more details as they come.)
Meanwhile, I need to get some beauty sleep so that I’ll be bright-eyed for a project I mentioned in a previous post. I’m back to the “Cotswolds”, in Charlotte, in the am. Even the address sounds perfectly British . . . Tottenham Road. We’re reviewing some options for opening up a wall between the master bedroom and a currently screened-in porch. There are challenges with the opening. You know, structural kinds of things. The house was also built on the side of a hill so it’s not so easy to blow it out without affecting the lower level. I’ve been scratching my head on this one.
(Though not in the master bedroom, I just had to share a glimpse of one of the lovely details in this home. The owners had a pair of windows stashed away from a trip to England and they now divide the dining room from the living area. I get heart flutters every time I see them!)
The ultimate goal, for the master bedroom, is to bring in more light as well as to allow for views of the breathtaking gardens which have unfolded, below, during the past ten years since the house was first constructed. One concept was to do an arched opening between the two spaces. Pretty but not really working in the area of function. The porch is not that deep. I got a little giddy, this evening, when the cogwheels started turning! I just had to do a rendering to help the concept translate into a better visual sense for my clients.
Due to the supports needed, I decided to create a way to let tons of sunlight in, while specifying some remote-controlled, room-darkening shades in the windows for privacy for weekend napping. I love the idea of creating a division as there is going to be a need to use tile on the flooring on the existing porch. (Too many details to explain so just trust me on that decision.) We’re moving storage into a closet being reworked so there won’t be a lot of furniture. The built-in bookcase base is a perfect focal point, kind of like a fireplace, to cozy up to. The bed will be facing this view so I wanted it to be a lovely one. (We’re taking out a door, on the right, for added egress as well as to add windows.) We’ll repurpose a pair of antique chairs and a table, in this option.
Here’s the same layout but with a different setting. An existing chair and ottoman would be jazzed up with a pillow to match a wallpaper from Schumacher, backing the bookcase’s interior. I would move the other chairs in front of another window to the side. (Not shown.) We also have a challenge with the layout of the exterior windows. There may not be a way to make any opening fall in line. Sometimes we designers can cleverly divert attention with placement of furnishings and accessories.
I’m sure we’ll be tweaking away but a project always has to start somewhere, right?
Need a “master plan”? I’m happy to chat!
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