As the Christmas and holidays countdown have begun, I have visions not only of sugarplums dancing in my head, but of the list of people for whom I still need to buy gifts. Yes, I know I only have 364 days to think about this, from last year’s Big Day, but you know how we creatives can be . . . always trying to think of the “perfect” present. It takes time, you know?
(I sure love the idea of creating personal gifts. I also love the idea of having time to enjoy the season. This year, I’m going to more parties and home tours. Things I miss when I’ve put too much on my plate. Thanks, HGTV, for the idea, though. *wink*)
I’ve decided to take some of the pressure off. Instead of spending days fixating on the latest trending gift or deciding if a leopard patterned bag will fit Sally Sue’s personality, I’m going the practical route. There, I said it, the “P” word. It seems as if, in the world of design, that’s almost like cursing! (I could stand for a few fashion-forward folks to use it as a substitute descriptive for their public exclamations. Just think - “That’s practically awesome!” or what about, “Practically amazing!” )
Okay, I digress. There’s also another motivation for heading in this direction. My local community shelter is stuffing stockings and they’ve requested thirty adult stockings for the shelter residents and ten children’s stockings, (3-9 years), ten tween/teen stockings, (11-17 yrs). The request also listed many useful items. Of course, this got the cogwheels turning. Why not focus on double-duty shopping? Who needs one more Tchotchke or impulse gift? I can personally attest that I’m trying to capture more space by editing a bit more. If I don’t love it, if it’s not useful – buh bye!
So, while I’m shopping for stocking stuffers for my shelter, I’m going to be duplicating some purchases for others. A winning two-fer, as it were.
Practically perfect, don’t you think?
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