Last year, I somehow managed to write a blog post for a thirty day Christmas Countdown. It seems just like yesterday, and yet, it seems like a distant memory, too! Being that we’re already into the first full week of December . . . and with the list of “to-do’s” still mounting . . . it’s highly unlikely I’ll rise to the occasion. After this week, I’ll be happy to rise out of a chair! You see, I’ve got Christmas decorating projects in full throttle, as well as a kitchen facelift and several rooms being readied for the holiday entertaining season. I’ll be lucky to remember how to spell my name, much less, post daily tips.
I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been busy tossing around a little pixie dust.
My fairy godmother, Beth, has been right along by my side, sprinkling away, too!
I’ll have to get back to you in a few. I promise it will be before the clock strikes midnight in 2012!
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