Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Mayo – Fiesta of Fun

Thursday, May 5, 2011


What a week of fun!  First, there was May Day and soon there will be Mother’s Day.  How did a day, which celebrates an excuse to indulge in one of my favorite kinds of cuisines, almost pass me by?


Check out Annie’s Eats and her Margarita Cupcakes!

More delish dishes:

Screen-shot-2011-05-02-at-9_03_25-PM – Easy floral project.  Mmmm!  I think I could do this using some Dahlia’s from one of my gardens.

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(Wish this blossom was still around, but I’m sure there will be more to come!)


Pardon me if I get a little side-tracked.  I’m dreaming of a vacation and I’ve always wanted to visit San Miguel de Allende, a Spanish Colornial town in Central Mexico, known for it’s beautiful architecture and art. 


I could stand a day or two, here!


Unfinished 1940s mural painted by David Alfaro Siqueiros, in Escuela de Bellas Artes, a cultural center in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


Lodging at Dos Casas – Kiwi Hotel Collection – Captioned “As its name would suggest, Dos Casas is comprised of two houses - unique Spanish colonial homes that offer contemporary accommodation for the discerning traveler, steeped in old-world Mexican charm.”  Just added this place to my wish list!

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Meanwhile, I’ll just have to live vicariously through these images from The Party Dress, and plan ahead for next year.  Who knows, I might be sharing my own photos of a Mexican adventure?


Feliz Cinco de Mayo! ~ Wanda


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