Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Freedom Tree Homestore.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Recently I interacted with someone from Freedom Tree Design. To be honest I hadn't heard of them before, so I did my research and landed on their colourful website and subsequently on their Facebook page.
I was amazed to see Freedom Tree Homestore's contemporary home decor collection of furniture, table ware, linen, accessories all made in India.
Freedom Tree range of ceramics
Poochapalam textile range...

Latika Khosla is the design director of Freedom Tree Design, a color and trend studio based in India.

Freedom Tree Homestore is her latest venture, where the focus is on creating colourful, remarkable design & print and also has designed, curated collection with quirky overtones.
The Independence Collection...
Mombaye, The City range...
Kukkiballi Textile Print...
The Independence Collection...
Aranya range...

'The spirit is to celebrate modern India and as a vibrant design destination – it is a thumbprint against standardization. Loveable and fun products make everyday living beautiful celebrating a freedom of expression, freedom of thought and freedom of being.'

~Freedom Tree Design

What a lovely thought!

The Freedom Tree Homestore is based in Mumbai. They are also on Facebook.

(images from Freedom Tree Design)


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